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CDAC Senior Personnel Heading link

CDAC Senior Personnel

Top: Russell Hemley, Stephen Gramsch, Zhenxian Liu, Lowell Miyagi, Maik Lang.

Middle: Muhtar Ahart, Ravhi Kumar, Susannah Dorfman, Elif Ertekin, Eva Zurek.

Bottom: Steven Jacobsen.

CDAC Leadership Heading link

CDAC Staff Heading link

Academic Partners Heading link

CDAC Students and Postdocs Heading link

CDAC Affiliated Students and Postdocs Heading link

Taymae Mimouni

Undergraduate Student, Northwestern University

CDAC Affiliated Faculty Heading link

Center Scientific Advisory Committee Heading link

CDAC Academic Collaborators Heading link

Andrew Campbell, University of Chicago
Phase transitions in e-FeOOH
Students :  Elizabeth Thompson, Anne Davis

Andrew Cornelius, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Pressure induced structural transitions in heavy fermion systems
Students :  Melanie White, Vahe Mrktchyan, Brian Light

C.W. (Paul) Chu, University of Houston
High-pressure x-ray diffraction of cuprate superconductors; single-crystal diffraction of Ge
UIC Student Collaborator :  Alexander Mark

James Hamlin, University of Florida
Studies of low-Z superconductors
Students/Postdocs : J. Lim, Ajinkya Hire 

Janice Musfeldt, University of Tennessee
Electronic and magnetic properties of materials at high pressures
Students :  Amanda Clune, Kevin Smith, Nathan Harms

Ryan Klein, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Collapse of magnetic order in Jarosite

Shanti Deemyad, University of Utah
High pressure studies of topological insulators
Students :  Tushar Bhowmick, Tessa McNamee, Moira Hicks

Valery Levitas, Iowa State University
Studies of shear deformation
Students/postdocs :  Sorb Yesudhas, Feng Lin.

DOE/NNSA Laboratory Collaborations Heading link

Sakun Duwal (SNL) – Charlie Zoller, Muhtar Ahart, Russell Hemley:  EOS of H2-He mixtures

Blake Sturtevant (LANL) – Ravhi Kumar, Russell Hemley:  X-ray studies of metal phase transition kinetics

Dana Dattelbaum (LANL) – Muhtar Ahart, Russell Hemley:  EOS of novel energetic materials

Jon Belof (LLNL) – Russell Hemley: Nucleation and growth in solid-solid phase transitions

Richard Kraus (LLNL) – Russell Hemley: Fe melting curve and solidification at TPa pressures at NIF

G.W. Collins (LLE)– Russell Hemley: Quantum transitions of hydrogen at TPa pressures at Omega

Andrew Shamp (LLNL) – Tiange Bi, Eva Zurek (Buffalo): Novel high pressure Li-F-H chemistry

Tadashi Ogitsu (LLNL), Shuai Zhang (LLE) – 1.  Katie Hilleke, Eva Zurek (Buffalo): Boron at extreme conditions;  2.  Elif Ertekin (Illinois – UIUC): Shape memory alloys

Luke Shulenberger, Chris San Marchi (SNL) – Elif Ertekin (Illinois – UIUC) shape memory alloys

Blake Sturtevant (LANL) – Lowell Miyagi (Utah):  D-DIA technique development

Chris Seagle, Josh Townsend (SNL) – Steven Jacobsen, Hannah Bausch (Northwestern):  Thermodyamic properties of (Mg,Fe)O at core-mantle boundary conditions (Z Fundamental Science Program)

Blas Uberuaga (LANL) – Maik Lang, Will Cureton, Zach Chaney, John Hirtz (Tennessee):  Radiation damage in materials for nuclear energy applications

Hector Lorenzana (LLNL) – Maik Lang, Will Cureton, Zach Chaney, John Hirtz (Tennessee):  Effects of strongly ionizing radiation and coupled extremes on materials contaning nanoscale gas bubbles