University of Illinois at Chicago


CDAC Laboratories – Renovated laboratory and office space has been committed to the program (4500 ft2 space in total). All laboratories meet requirements for climate control, power and cooling water needs for specific instruments. The dedicated laboratory spaces used for each of two Raman spectroscopy setups, one Brillouin spectroscopy setup, and a laser heating apparatus. In addition, sample preparation facilities are located in a wet chemical laboratory that is equipped with fume hoods. The sample preparation laboratory includes microscopes, gasket drills (mechanical, laser, and spark erosion), pressure calibration systems, and gas and cryogenic loading devices. The space we occupy started as a functioning optical laboratory with eight research-grade optical tables. This laboratory facility was reconfigured and repurposed for our specific needs, is managed by CDAC research faculty and is available for research and training purposes for personnel throughout the Center.

Research Resources Center and Chicago Biomedical Consortium – The main UIC campus and the medical campus combine to house the Research Resources Center (, which includes an extensive collection of state-of-the-art imaging, characterization and nanotechnology facilities that are available on a user fee basis. These laboratories are fully staffed with skilled professional instrument scientists that are available for consultation as well as comprehensive training. For instrumentation that is not available at the UIC location, the Chicago Biomedical Consortium ( provides additional capabilities at Northwestern University and The University of Chicago at internal user rates.