CDAC Publications 2023

1710.  Geng, N., K. P. Hilleke, L. Zhu, X. Wang, T. A. Strobel, and E. Zurek, Conventional high-temperature superconductivity in covalently bonded, binary-guest C-B clathrates.  Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, 1696-1706 (2023). [OSTI ID 1908975]

1711.  Ahart, M., and R. J. Hemley, Sound velocity and equation of state of ballistic gelatin by Brillouin scattering.  Materials 16, 1279 (2023). [OSTI ID 1923047]

1712.  Sun, Y., L. Zhao, C. J. Pickard, R. J. Hemley, Y. Zheng and M. Miao, Chemical interactions that govern the structures of metals.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 120, e2218405120 (2023). [OSTI ID 1925232]

1713.  Pardo, O. S., V. V. Dobforsavljevic, T. Perez, W. Sturhan, Z. Liu, G. R. Rossman and J. M. Jackson, X-ray diffraction reveals two structural transitions in szomolnokite.  American Mineralogist 108, 476-484 (2023). (FIS) [OSTI ID 1959831]

1714.  Hilleke, K. P. and E. Zurek, Chemistry at High Pressure. In Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry III; Theory and Bonding of Inorganic Non-Molecular Systems. Frederickson, D. C., J. Reedijk, and K. R. Poeppelmeier, Eds. Elsevier (2023). [OSTI ID 1968603]

1715.  Mark, A. C., M. Ahart, R. Kumar, C. Park, Y. Meng, D. Popov, L. Deng, C.-W. Chu, J. C Campuzano and R. J. Hemley, Structure and equation of state of Bi2Sr2Can-1CunO2n+4+δ. Physical Review Materials 7, 064803 (2023). [OSTI ID 1991874]

1716.  Wang, B., K. P. Hilleke, X. Wang, D. N. Polsin, and E. Zurek, Topological electride phase of sodium at high pressures and temperatures. Physical Review B 107, 184101 (2023). [OSTI ID 1991869]

1717.  van Veenendaal, M., E. H. T. Poldi, L. S. I. Veiga, P. Bencok, G. Fabbris, R. Tartaglia, J. L. McChesney, J. W. Freeland, R. J. Hemley, H. Zheng, J. F. Mitchell, J.-Q. Yan, and D. Haskel, Electronic structure of Co 3d states in the Kitaev material candidate honeycomb cobaltate Na3Co2SbO6 probed with x-ray dichroism. Physical Review B 107, 214443 (2023). [OSTI ID 1987546]

1718.  Vallero, C., M. Ahart, S. Tkachev, S. Chariton, V. Prakapenka, S. Kojima, S. A. Gramsch, and R. J. Hemley, Acoustic properties, elasticity and equation of state of glycerol under pressure.  Journal of Chemical Physics 159, 064506 (2023). [OSTI ID 1994208]

1719.  Hilleke, K. P., R. Franco, P. Pertierra, M. A. Salvadó, E. Zurek, and J. M. Recio, Preference for a pressure-induced 3D structure after 1T-HfSe2Materials Today Physics 36, 101152 (2023). [OSTI ID 1994207]

1720.  Musfeldt, J. L., D. G. Mandrus, and Z. Liu, Insulator-metal transition in CrSiTe3 triggered by structural distortion under pressure. NPJ 2D Materials and Applications 7, 28 (2023) (FIS). [OSTI ID 1994209]

1721.  Somayazulu, M., M. Ahart, Y. Meng, J. Ciesak, N. Velisavljevic, and R. J. Hemley, P-V-T equation of state of boron carbide. Philosophical Transactions A 381, 20220331 (2023). [OSTI ID 2006510]

1722. Chaney, D. Z.J. Hirtz, E. Williams, J. MinnetteW. F. Cureton, E. C. O’Quinn, X. Zhao, X. Guo, T. Matsuoka, M. Koehler, D. Sprouster, and M. Lang, Grain size dependence of thermally-induced oxidation in ZrC.  Journal of Materials Science 58, 2439–2455 (2023). [OSTI ID 2007415]

1723.  Wang, B., K. P. Hilleke, S. Hajinazar, G. Frapper, and E. Zurek, Structurally constrained evolutionary algorithm for the discovery and design of metastable phases.  Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.3c00594 (2023). [OSTI ID 2203937]

1724.  Peterson, G. C. C., K. P. Hilleke, S. Lotfi, F. Wang, E. Zurek, and J. Brgoch, Twists and puckers: Tuning crystal chemistry in the La(AuxGe1−x)2 compositional series. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c07936 (2023). [OSTI ID 2281598]

1725.  Minnette, J.,  E. Williams, W. Cureton, A. Solomon, E. O'Quinn, J. M. Kurley, R. Hunt, C. Park, I. Schubert, C. Trautmann, and M. Lang, Response of ZrC to Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation. Journal of Applied Physics 134, 185901 (2023). [OSTI ID 2205510]

1726.  Lohaus, S. H., M. Heine, P. Guzman, C. M. Bernal-Choban, C. N. Saunders, G. Shen, O. Hellman, D. Broido, and B. Fultz, A thermodynamic explanation of the Invar effect.  Nature Physics 19, 1642-1648 (2023). [OSTI ID 2205672]

1727.  Lim, J., S. Sinha, A. C. Hire, J. S. Kim, P. M. Dee, R. S. Kumar, D. Popov, R. J. Hemley, R. G. Hennig, P. J. Hirschfeld, G. R. Stewart, and J. J. Hamlin, Niobium substitution supresses the superconducting critical temperature of pressurized MoB2. Physical Review B 108, 094501 (2023).

1728.  Li, J., R. Matheu, F. Ke, Z. Liu, Y. Lin, and H. Karunadasa, Cu(I) - Cu(II) - In(III) 2D perovskites: Pressure dependence of the intervalence charge transfer and a mechanochemical alloying method.  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62, e202300957 (2023) (FIS).

1729.  Musfeldt, J. L., Z. Liu, D. López-Alcalá, Y. Duan, A. Gaita-Ariño, J. J. Baldoví, and E. Coronado, Vibronic relaxation pathways in the molecular spin qbit Na9[Ho(W5O18)2]-35 H2O under pressure. Magnetochemistry 9, 53 (2023) (FIS).

1730.  Lu, Z., C. M. Archamault, S. Li, U. Syed, S. Wang, A. Kumar, G. Shen, Z. Liu, M. A. Omary, and H. Yan, Modulating the extent of anisotropic cuprophillicity via high pressure with piezochromic luminescence sensitization. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 508-515 (2023) (FIS).

1731.  Hilleke, K. P., X. Wang, D. Luo, N. Geng, B. Wang, F, Belli, and E. Zurek, Structure, stability and superconductivity of N-doped lutetium hydrides at kbar pressures. Physical Review B 108, 014511 (2023). [OSTI ID 2281599]

1732.  Zoller, C. M., M. Ahart, S. Duwal, R. Clay, C. T. Seagle, Y. J. Ryu, S. Tkachev, S. Chariton, V. Prakapenka, R. J. Hemley, Accurate equation of state of H2-He binary mixtures up to 5.4 GPa. Physical Review B, 108, 224112 (2023). [OSTI ID 2263360]