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CDAC Publications 2003

1. Velisavljevic, N. and Y. K. Vohra, Bioceramic hydroxyapatite at high pressure.  Applied Physics Letters 82, 4271 (2003).

2.  Strzhemechny, M. A. and R. J. Hemley, Ortho-para conversion in the solid hydrogens at high pressures.  Low Temperature Physics 29, 703 (2003).

3.  Wenk, H.-R., L. Lutterotti and S. Vogel, Texture analysis with the new HIPPO TOF diffractometer.  Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 515, 575-588 (2003).

4.  Yoo, C.-s., V. Iota, H. Cynn, M. Nicol, J. H. Park, T. LeBihan and M. Mezouar, Disproportionation and other transformations of N2O at high pressures and temperatures to lower energy, denser phases.  Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, 59322-59325 (2003). (HPCAT)

5.  Zhang, R., S. Zhai, Y. Fei and J. Liou, Titanium solubility in coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene at very high pressure: the significance of exsolved rutile in garnet.  Earth and Planetary Science Letters 216, 591-601 (2003).

6.  Song, Y., R. J. Hemley, H.-k. Mao, Z. Liu and D. R. Herschbach, New phases of N2O4 at high pressures and high temperatures.  Chemical Physics Letters 382, 686-692 (2003).

7.  Merkel, S., H.-R. Wenk, J. Badro, G. Montagnac, P. Gillet, H.-k. Mao and R. J. Hemley, Deformation of (Mg0.9Fe0.1)SiO3 perovskite aggregates up to 32 GPa.  Earth and Planetary Science Letters 209, 351-360 (2003).

8.  Mukherjee, S., R. E. Cohen and O. Gülseren, Vacancy formation enthalpy at high pressures in tantalum.  Journal of Physics C: Condensed Matter 15, 855-861 (2003).

9.  Park, J.-H., C.-s. Yoo, V. Iota, H. Cynn, M. Nicol and T. LeBihan, Crystal structure of bent carbon dioxide phase IV.  Physical Review B 68, 014107 (2003). (HPCAT)

10.  Militzer, B., F. Gygi and G. Galli, Structure and bonding of dense liquid oxygen from first principles simulations.  Physical Review Letters 91, 265503 (2003).

11.  Xie, X.D., M.E. Minitti, M. Chen, H.-k. Mao, D.Q. Wang, J. Shu and Y. Fei, γ-Ca3(PO4)2: A new mineral from the Suizhou L6 chondrite.  European Journal of Mineralogy 15, 1001-1005 (2003).

12.  Wu, Z., R.E. Cohen and D.J. Singh, First-principles WDA calculations for ferroelectric materials.  AIP Conference Proceedings 667, 276-286 (2003).

13.  Wang, Z., Y. Zhao, D. Schiferl, J. Qian, R.T. Downs, H.-k. Mao and T. Sekine, Threshold pressure for disappearance of size-induced defects in spinel-structure Ge3N4 nanocrystals.  Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107, 14151-14153 (2003).

14.  van Westrenen, W., J. Van Orman, H. Watson, Y. Fei and E.B. Watson, Assessment of temperature gradients in multianvil assemblies using spinel layer growth kinetics.  Geochemistry, Geophysics and Geosystems 4, DOI: 10.1029/2002GC000474.

15.  Steinle-Neumann, G., L. Stixrude and R.E. Cohen, Physical properties of iron in the inner core. In: Earth’s Core: Dynamics, Structure, Rotation (American Geophysical Union, Washington DC, 2003), 137-161.

16.  Song, X., C. Cahill and G. Eng, Triorganotin 2-(p-chlorophenyl)-3-methylbutyrates. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 17, 743-744 (2003).

17.  Speziale, S. and T.S. Duffy, Elastic properties and strength of CaO at high pressure by Brillouin scattering and radial x-ray diffraction. Proceedings of the Joint 19th AIRAPT and 41st EHPRG International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology; Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (14) (2003).

18.  Song, Y., R. J. Hemley, Z. Liu, M. Somayazulu, H.-k. Mao and D. R. Herschbach, High-pressure stability, transformations and vibrational dynamics of nitrosonium nitrate from synchrotron infrared and Raman spectroscopy.  Journal of Chemical Physics 119, 2232-2240 (2003).

19.  Rama Murthy, V., W. van Westrenen and Y. Fei, Experimental evidence that potassium is a substantial radioactive heat source in planetary cores.  Nature 423, 163-165 (2003).

20.  Prewitt, C. T., Mineral physics: looking ahead.  Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 98, 1-8 (2003).

21.  Van Orman, J. A., Y. Fei, E. H. Hauri and J. Wang, Diffusion in MgO at high pressures: constraints on deformation mechanisms and chemical transport at the core-mantle boundary.  Geophysical Research Letters 30, DOI: 10.1029/2002GL016343 (2003).

22.  Song, Y., M. Somayazulu, H. K. Mao, R. J. Hemley and D. R. Herschbach, High pressure structure and equation of state of nitrosonium nitrate from synchrotron x-ray diffraction.  Journal of Chemical Physics 118, 8350-8356 (2003).

23.  Sampath, S., C. J. Benmore, K. M. Lantzky, J. Neufeind, K. Leinenweber, D. L. Price and J. L. Yarger, Intermediate-range order in permanently densified GeO2 glass.  Physical Review Letters 90, 115502 (2003). (HPCAT)

24.  Murthy, V. R., W. van Westrenen and Y. Fei, Experimental evidence that potassium is a substantial radioactive heat source in planetary cores.  Nature 423, 163-165 (2003).

25.  Meng, Y., M. Newville, S. Sutton, J. Rakovan and H.-k. Mao, Fe and Ni impurities in synthetic diamond.  American Mineralogist 88, 1555-1559 (2003).

26.  Matsuishi, K., E. Gregoryanz, H.-k. Mao and R. J. Hemley, Equation of state and intermolecular interactions in fluid hydrogen from Brillouin scattering at high pressures and temperatures.  Journal of Chemical Physics 118, 10683-10695 (2003).

27.  Mao, W. L., H.-k. Mao, C.-s. Yan, J. Shu, J. Hu and R. J. Hemley, Generation of ultrahigh pressure using single-crystal, chemical-vapor-deposition diamond anvils.  Applied Physics Letters 83, 5190-5192 (2003).

28.  Mao, W. L., H.-k. Mao, P. Eng, T. P. Trainor, M. Newville, C. C. Kao, D. Heinz, J. Shu, Y. Meng and R. J. Hemley, Bonding changes in compressed superhard graphite. Science 302, 425-427 (2003).

29.  Ma, Y., R. J. Hemley, C. T. Prewitt, G. Zou and H.-k. Mao, High P-T X-ray diffraction study of β-boron to 20 GPa.  Physical Review B 67, 174116 (2003).

30. Liu, Z., G. A. Lager, R. J. Hemley and N. L. Ross, Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy of OH-chondrodite and OH-clinohumite at high pressure.  American Mineralogist 88, 1412-1415 (2003).

31.  Lin, J.-F., D. L. Heinz, H. K. Mao, R. J. Hemley, J. M. Devine, J. Li and G. Shen, Stability of magnesiowüstite in earth’s lower mantle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 4405-4408 (2003).

32.  Li, J., C. Hadidiacos, H.-k. Mao, Y. Fei and R. J. Hemley, Effects of pressure on thermocouples in a multi-anvil apparatus. High Pressure Research 23, 389-401 (2003).

33.  Liang, Q., S. A. Catledge and Y. K. Vohra, Effect of nitrosodium addition on the morphology and structure of boron-doped nanostructured diamond films. Applied Physics Letters 83, 5047 (2003).

34.  Lin, J.-F., J. Shu, H.-k. Mao, R. J. Hemley and G. Shen, Amorphorous boron gasket in diamond anvil cell research. Review of Scientific Instruments 74, 4732-4736 (2003).

35.  Li, J. and Y. Fei, Experimental constraints on core composition, In Treatise on Geochemistry, Volume 3:  Geochemistry of the Mantle and Core,  R. W. Carlson, Ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Pergamon (2003), 521-546.

36.  Lee, S. K., B. O. Mysen and G. D. Cody, Chemical order in mixed-cation silicate glasses and melts. Physical Review B 68, 214206 (2003).

37.  Hemley, R. J., X. Liu, E. Gregoryanz and H.-k. Mao, Infrared and Raman microspectroscopy of minerals under pressure. Microspectroscopy and Microanalysis 9, 1098-1099 (2003).

38.  Lee, S. K., Y. Fei, G. D. Cody and B. O. Mysen, Order and disorder in sodium silicate glasses and melts at 10 GPa. Geophysical Research Letters 30, 1845 (2003).

39.  Hellwig, H., R. J. Hemley and R. E. Cohen, Micro-Brillouin investigations of relaxor ferroelectrics. AIP Conference Proceedings 677, 65-73 (2003).

40.  Gramsch, S. A., R. E. Cohen and S. Y. Savrasov, Structure, metal-insulator transitions, and magnetic properties of FeO at high pressures. American Mineralogist 88, 257-261 (2003).

41.  Eremets, M. I., V. V. Struzhkin, H.-k. Mao and R. J. Hemley, Exploring superconductivity in low-Z materials at megabar pressures. Physica B 329, 1312-1316 (2003).

42.  Goncharov, A. F., E. Gregoryanz, R. J. Hemley and H.-k. Mao, Molecular character of the metallic high-pressure phase of oxygen. Physical Review B 68, 100102 (2003).

43.  Antsygina, T. N., N. Tret’yak, Y. A. Freiman and R. J. Hemley, Orientational ordering in solid hydrogens with J = 1 in the presence of a crystal field. Low Temperature Physics 29, 378-381 (2003).

44.  Badro, J., G. Figuet, F. Guyot, J. P. Rueff, V. V. Struzhkin, G. Vankó and G. Monaco, Iron partitioning in Earth’s mantle: Toward a deep lower-mantle discontinuity.  Science 300, 789-791 (2003).

45.  Catledge, S. A., Y. K. Vohra, S. Woodard and P. Venugopalan, Structural and mechanical properties of nanostructurued metalloceramic coatings on cobalt chrome alloys.  Applied Physics Letters 82, 1625 (2003).

46.  Chesnut, G. N., B. D. D. Streetman, R. S. Schiferl, W. M. Hixon, M. Nicol, W. Anderson and Y. Meng, Static x-ray diffraction study of cerium: The standard approach and the magic-angle aproach. In Proceedings of the 13th APS Conference on Shock-compression of Condensed Matter; M. D. Furnish, Y. M. Gupta, Y. M. and J. W. Forbes, Eds. New York: American Institute of Physics (2003), 37-40.

47.  Goncharov, A. F. and V. V. Struzhkin, Raman spectroscopy of metals, high-temperature superconductors and related materials under high pressure. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 34, 532-548 (2003).

48.  Gregoryanz, E., A. F. Goncharov, K. Matsuishi, H.-k. Mao and R. J. Hemley, Raman spectroscopy of hot dense hydrogen. Physical Review Letters 90, 175701 (2003).

49.  Errandonea, D., M. Somayazulu, D. Häusermann, and H.-k. Mao, Melting of tantalum at high pressure determined by angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction in a double-sided, laser-heated diamond anvil cell.  Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 7645-7649 (2003).

50.  Dera, P., C. T. Prewitt, S. Japel, D. L. Bish and C. T. Johnson, Pressure-controlled polytypism in hydrous layered materials. American Mineralogist 88, 1428-1435 (2003).

51.  Ablett, J. M., C. C. Kao, S. R. Shieh, H.-k. Mao, M. Croft and T. A. Tyson, High-pressure x-ray near edge absorption study of thallium rhenium oxide up to 10.86 GPa. High Pressure Research 23, 471-476 (2003).

52.  Baker, P. A., Y. K. Vohra, R. S. Peterson and S. T. Weir, Isotopically enriched designer-diamond anvil. Applied Physics Letters 83, 1734 (2003).

53.  Errandonea, D., Y. Meng, D. Häusermann, and T. Uchida, Study of the phase transformation and equation of state magnesium by synchrotron x-ray diffraction.  Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 1277-1289 (2003).

54.  Freiman, Y. A., S. M. Tretyak, T. N. Antsygina and R. J. Hemley, Novel phase behavior in quantum rotors.  Journal of Low Temperature Physics 133, 251-260 (2003).

55.  Errandonea, D., M. Somayazulu, D. Häusermann, and H.-k. Mao, Melting of tantalum at high pressure determined by angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction in a double-sided, laser-heated diamond anvil cell. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 7645-7649 (2003).

56.  Goncharov, A. F. and V. V. Struzhkin, Pressure dependence of the Raman spectrum, lattice parameters and superconducting critical temperature of MgB2: Evidence for pressure-driven phonon-assisted electronic topological transition.  Physica C 385, 117-130 (2003).

57.  Lin, J.-F., V. V. Struzhkin, W. Sturhahn, E. Huang, J. Zhao, M. Hu, E. Alp, H.-k. Mao, N. Boctor and R. J. Hemley. Sound velocities of iron-nickel and iron-silicon alloys at high pressures. Geophysical Research Letters 30, 2112-2115 (2003).

58.  Chen, M., J. Shu, H.-k. Mao, X. Xie and R. J. Hemley, Natural occurrence and synthesis of two new post-spinel polymorphs of chromite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 14651-14654 (2003).

59.  Freiman, Y. A., S. M. Tret’yak, M. Sergei, T. N. Antsygina and R. J. Hemley, Novel phase behavior in quantum rotors. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 133, 251-260 (2003).

60.  Lipinska-Kalita, K. E., B. Chen, M. B. Kruger, Y. Ohki, J. Murowchick and E. P. Gogol, High-pressure x-ray diffraction studies of the nanostructured transparent vitroceramic medium K2O-SiO2-Ga2O3. Physical Review B 68, 35209 (2003).

61.  Koch-Müller, M., P. Dera, Y. Fei, B. Reno, N. V. Sobolev, E. Hauri and R. Wysoczanski, OH in synthetic and natural coesite. American Mineralogist 88, 1436-1445 (2003).

62.  Hu, M. Y., W. Sturhahn, T. S. Toellner, P. D. Mannheim, D. E. Brown, J. Zhao and E. E. Alp, Measuring velocity of sound with nuclear resonant x-ray scattering. Physical Review B 67, 094304 (2003).

63.  Hellwig, H., A. F. Goncharov, H.-k. Mao, E. Gregoryanz and R. J. Hemley, Brillouin and Raman spectroscopy of the ferroelastic rutile-to-CaCl2 transition in SnO2 at high pressure. Physical Review B 67, 174110 (2003).

64.  He, D., Y. Zhao, T. D. Sheng, R. B. Schwartz, J. Qian, K. A. Lokshin, S. Bobev, L. L. Daemen, H.-k. Mao, J. Z. Hu, J. Shu and J. Xu, Bulk metallic glass gasket for high pressure in situ x-ray diffraction. Review of Scientific Instruments 74, 3012-3016 (2003).

65.  Errandonea, D., M. Somayazulu, and D. Häusermann, Phase transitions and amorphization of CaWO4 at high pressure. Physica Status Solidi B 235, 162-169 (2003).

66.  Hofmeister, A. M. and H.-k. Mao, Pressure derivatives of shear and bulk moduli from the thermal Grüneisen parameter and volume-pressure data. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67, 1207-1227 (2003).

67.  Chen, M., J. Shu, X. Xie and H.-k. Mao, Natural CaTi2O4 structured FeCr2O4 polymorph in the Suizhou meteorite and its significance in mantle mineralogy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67, 3937-3942 (2003).

68.  Errandonea, D., A. Segura, F. J. Manjon and A. Chevy, Transport measurements in InSe under high pressure and high temperature: shallow-to-deep donor transformation of Sn-related donor impurities. Semiconductor Science and Technology 18, 241-246 (2003).